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This was removed from the page because it is not an English quote:

Ce fut un Vaisseau d'or, dont les flancs diaphanes
Révélaient des trésors que les marins profanes,
Dégoût, Haine, et Névrose, entre eux ont disputés. 
--Émile Nelligan, "Le Vaisseau d'or"



I was going to put it in the french version of this page but it sadly doesn't exist yet.

--The Sunborn
  • I am proud to be the first member of the Canadian Royal Family to be greeted in Canada's newest Territory.
  • As we enter our centennial year we are still a young nation, very much in the formative stages. Our national condition is still flexible enough that we can make almost anything we wish of our nation. No other country is in a better position than Canada to go ahead with the evolution of a national purpose devoted to all that is good and noble and exellent in the human spirit.
  • Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts. Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain.
  • We'll explain the appeal of curling to you if you explain the appeal of the National Rifle Association to us.
  • Canada is like an old cow. The West feeds it. Ontario and Quebec milk it. And you can well imagine what it's doing in the Maritimes.
  • Canadians are the people who learned to live without the bold accents of the natural ego-trippers of other lands.
  • I am so excited about Canadians ruling the world.
  • "If the national mental illness of the United States is megalomania, that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia."
  • We French & English never lost our civil war/ endure it still/ a bloody civil bore.
  • I was doing a gig in L.A. and this woman comes up to me and says, 'Are you really from Canada? Oh my God, I could never live there, it's so ... cold!' I'm like, 'Excuse me, is that your house I just saw slide down the cliff? I'll wear an extra sweater!'
  • We are an ironic people; irony and some sourness is mixed in our nature. It is a matter of climate. We are a northern people.
  • A Canadian is someone who keeps asking the question, 'What is a Canadian?'
  • Canada is the only country in the world where you can buy a book on federal-provincial relations at an airport.
  • As Canadian as possible under the circumstances.
    • Heather Scott, winner of a 1972 contest run by Peter Gzowski.
  • "Canadians have an abiding interest in surprising those Americans who have historically made little effort to learn about their neighbour to the North."
  • Canada is a country built against any common, geographic, historic or cultural sense.
  • Canadian nationalism is a subtle, easily misunderstood but powerful reality, expressed in a way that is not to state directed - something like a beer commercial or the death of a significant Canadian figure.
    • Paul Kopas.
  • Our hopes are high. Our faith in the people is great. Our courage is strong. And our dreams for this beautiful country will never die.
  • Canada and Mexico, as the saying goes, have one common problem between them.
    • J.C.M. Ogelsby
  • The die is cast in Canada: there are two ethnic and linguistic groups; each is too strong and too deeply rooted in the past, too firmly bound to a mother culture, to be able to swamp the other. But if the two will collaborate inside of a truly pluralist state, Canada could become a privileged place where the federalist form of government, which is the government of tomorrow's world, will be perfected.
  • We shall be Canadians first, foremost, and always, and our policies will be decided in Canada and not dictated by any other country.
  • Whether we live together in confidence and cohesion; with more faith and pride in ourselves and less self-doubt and hesitation; strong in the conviction that the destiny of Canada is to unite, not divide; sharing in cooperation, not in separation or in conflict; respecting our past and welcoming our future.
  • But if we [Americans] are the rugged individualists, why do we spend so much of our time trying to get everyone to march in lockstep? And if Canadians are so reserved and moderate, why are they so progressive about letting people do what they want to?
  • I don't even know what street Canada is on.
  • In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of how people of different cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual respect.
  • I want to thank all the Canadians who came out today to wave to me - with all five fingers!
  • Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party. "Keep it down, eh?"
  • I've been to Canada, and I've always gotten the impression that I could take the country over in about two days.
  • I love this country (Canada). We could not have a better friend and ally"
French: A few acres of snow.